Darren A. Ramalho
Darren is a fierce advocate for students and firmly believes education has the power to cultivate success.
Originally from California, Darren graduated from UCLA in 2014, double majoring in English and Political Science. He dedicated his undergraduate career to improving the academic experience for students at UCLA, being elected Academic Affairs Commissioner in 2014. Darren served on a number of committees advocating for students, including the Student Fee Advisory Committee and Faculty Executive Committee. Darren also worked for three years at the UCLA Lab School, a K-6 school on UCLA’s campus, as a teaching assistant. He worked as a student recruiter for four years for UCLA Undergraduate Admission, being promoted as a student coordinator in his third year of undergraduate studies.

Darren moved to Marion, Alabama, in 2014 as a Teach For America corps member, working for six years in the Perry County Schools system. While working in the traditional public school system, he served as a department chairperson and class advisor. He also served one year on the school’s budget committee. During his teaching career, Darren completed a two-year Rural School Leadership Academy cohort program, funded by Teach For America and the U.S. Department of Education. He has represented Perry County at the state level on multiple occasions, serving on the inaugural ALSDE State Superintendent Teacher Cabinet and the ALSDE English-Language Arts Course of Study Committee and Taskforce. Outside of K012 education, Darren also worked as an adjunct instructor and assistant librarian at Marion Military Institute, the nation’s oldest military junior college. He recently earned his master’s degree in Public School Building Leadership from Teachers College at Columbia University, one of the highest ranking principal preparation programs in the country. As an active member of the community, Darren also serves on the C.H.O.I.C.E. Board of Directors in Uniontown, Alabama, working to expand academic, athletic, and workforce development opportunities. Darren is currently participating in the New Schools For Alabama School Founders fellowship, which being hosted by Citizens of the World Charter Schools.